Carmen Cecilia Retzer

Carmen Cecilia Retzer
Actor, Singer, Jedi
Carmen Cecilia Retzer
Is an actor currently based in New York City and the Southeast. Of Chinese, Nicaraguan, and German descent, she is originally from Alabama where she attended the Alabama School of Fine Arts for two years as a vocal performance major. She is a recent graduate from the Sargent Conservatory of Theatre Arts at Webster University where she received her BFA in Acting. Following graduation, Carmen was selected to be a member of Milwaukee Repertory Theatre's Emerging Professional Residency as an acting apprentice.
Carmen is passionate when it comes to creating theatre that centers BIPOC stories and voices and enjoys the workshopping process that comes with new work. Carmen hopes to use her voice and skills to create more equitable spaces in theatre. Carmen also enjoys engaging with classical text and period pieces.
When Carmen is not acting, she can be found listening to audiobooks, attempting a new sewing project, and fangirling over Star Wars.